I hope we get a typhoon day this First. 我希望星期五能放颱風假。
When will we know if we get a day off or not? 我們什麼時候會知道能不能放假?
If we get a day off, what do you plan to do? 我們如果放假,你打算做什麼?
How about you? 那你呢?
I would sleep in until noon. 我會睡到中午。
We need to postpone our beach party this weekend. 我們這周末的海灘派對必須延期了。
A typhoon is heading our way and is gaining strength. 有個颱風正朝我們逼近,並且逐漸增強中。
When will the typhoon make landfall? 颱風何時會登陸?
That’s the same day as our party. 剛好和我們的派對同一天。